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200 words work 4

Mental Illness and the Media
Let’s consider: You are likely becoming more familiar with the various mental health disorders as we are now heading into Week 4. This week we take a look at Developmental, Behavior, and Cognitive disorders.
Your assignment: Review the information on disorders in your final chapters as well as chapter 10, pages 283-307 in preparation for this assignment.
As you have read the material for the past few weeks, have you been reminded of anyone that you suspect might be diagnosed into one of the personality disorder categories such as:

Paranoid Personality Disorder
Schizoid/Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Antisocial, Borderline
Dependent, or Obsessive-Compulsive?
What about other diagnoses from our final chapters on the Developmental and Cognitive disorders such as Autism, Mental Retardation, or Asperger’s?

In your assignment this week, share your thoughts. You may write about yourself, a family member, or even a famous person that you suspect or know has one of these diagnoses or tendencies. Think about how these disorders are portrayed in the media. If you think of a movie or show that portrays the illness, list it. If you can find a website or online video link, cite that source as well and post the link.

Do you think the media portrays the experience accurately? Why or why not?
Is it portrayed respectfully; too seriously; with too much humor?
Do you think there is an unnecessary stigma attached to mental illness?
How might this affect a person in treatment?

Share your thoughts to the questions, using good citations in order to support your answers. (At least 200 words)
Week 4 Assignment Requirements:

APA format. Use this template: Keiser APA Template.docx Keiser APA Template.docx – Alternative Formats – Alternative Formats
Cite and reference at least two sources in APA style.
At least 200 words.
Submit an at attachment (.doc or .docx)

**Review the grading rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.
Grading Rubric for Weekly Assignments

Point Value

Adequately covers the topic -Writing is within the required minimum word count

Organization-Uses correct APA format in paper as well as with citations and references

Spelling/Grammar/Posts word count

Uses 2 good scholarly resourcesOne may be your text


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