answer wag question with in 200 word please

1/ In your reasoned opinion, did the elderly farmer portrayed in The Last Farm act morally? Why or why not?
need to watch this video:…

2/ According to Lumen Gentium, what is meant by “the universal call to holiness”? What is the meaning of holiness for your own life and is it something after which you desire to strive? What images (if any) do you notice of holiness within popular culture? Are these images accurate to the Catholic understanding of the concept? Post a question at the end of your comments concerning the vocation to holiness.
this webbed can help:… look ONLY under chapter 5.

3/ Choose a saint of the Catholic tradition (it can be one not discussed in the course texts or presentations). Describe the life of this saint and what meaning his or her life story has for you. How can the saints serve as spiritual luminaries in contemporary culture? Are there ways we can gain greater access to the lives of saints in our personal life of prayer and communal liturgies? Pose a question to your colleagues about saints and their role in the spiritual life.
here where is the lecture…

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