accounting exam 22

You must complete a timed assignment in one session. If you logout of WileyPLUS you cannot return later to complete a timed assignment like for other WileyPLUS assignments.
A logout is usually confirmed by the user, but can be caused unexpectedly by a server or session timeout as well. Timeouts are commonly caused by a loss of internet connection. Please ensure your internet connection is stable prior to starting a timed assignment so that you will not be unexpectedly timed-out and lose access. This is very important since the ability to return to work on a timed assignment following a logout/server timeout is very limited.
If you are using a laptop computer we suggest having your power cable plugged in; hibernation or sleep modes may disconnect you from the Internet temporarily in some cases. Additionally, we discourage the use of wireless internet connections while working on a timed assignment; we recommend using an Ethernet cable to prevent any disconnection from the Internet that can cause a session timeout.
If you try to click over to the ‘Read, Study & Practice’ section while active in a timed assignment, you will receive a warning message. If you continue to ‘Read, Study & Practice’ after reading the warning message you will lose all access to the timed assignment.
Do not open new browser windows and/or tabs while active in a timed assignment. You may not login to another session (i.e., open a new browser or tab and log into WileyPLUS) while active in a timed assignment. Your original session will be terminated and you will lose all access to the timed assignment.
You will have a specified amount of time to complete the timed assignment. The clock starts when you access a question in the assignment or click the next button to move on past the summary page.
You will have a Timer button TIMER
above your list of assignment exercises. Click the Timer button and you will see how much time you have remaining, as shown in the following example.
Start Time: 01:06 PM / Remaining: 89 min.
Remember to click the Submit button once you have entered your answers, to submit the answers to your instructor’s gradebook. Please be patient while the page refreshes before clicking to go on to the next question; it may take some time to load/refresh.

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