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Almorzar Conjugation: Present Tense & Present Progressive

Let’s have lunch! Learn to conjugate the verb ‘almorzar’ (to have lunch) in the present and present progressive tenses in Spanish, then see some examples of conversations involving the verb.
Almorzar in Present Tense
Did you know that lunch is the biggest and most important meal of the day in Spain? Spaniards also have lunch late – anytime from about 1:00pm to 3:30pm.
Almorzar (to have lunch) is among a group of verbs ending in -ar. It also belongs to a group of verbs whose stem changes when you conjugate them in the present tense. There are three different groups of this kind:
the ones with o such as almorzar (to have lunch) which changes to ue
the ones with e such as cerrar (to close) which changes to ie
the ones with e such as competir (to compete) which changes to i
So, let’s study the conjugation of the verb almorzar in the present tense, so that you can see the changing in the stem and the conjugation of -ar verbs:
Pronoun Verb Pronunciation Meaning
yo almuerzo ahl-moo-EHR-soh I have lunch
tú almuerzas ahl-moo-EHR-sahs you have lunch (informal)
usted almuerza ahl-moo-EHR-sah he has lunch
she has lunch
you have lunch (formal)
nosotros (as) almorzamos ahl-mohr-SAH-mohs we have lunch
vosotros (as) almorzáis ahl-mohr-SAH-ees you have lunch (Spain)
ellos (as) almuerzan ahl-moo-EHR-sahn you have lunch
they have lunch
Notice that the o changes to ue in the first person singular yo, the second person singular tú, the third person singular él and the second and third persons plural ustedes and ellos.
Let’s look at some example sentences using the present tense:
María: ¿Qué piensas almorzar hoy? (What do you think of having for lunch today?)
Juan: Yo siempre almuerzo comida mejicana. Y tú, ¿qué almuerzas? (I always eat Mexican food. And you, what do you have for lunch?)
María: Yo nunca almuerzo. (I never have lunch.)
Un almuerzo in Mexico (A lunch in Mexico)
Mexican Lunch
Almorzar in Present Progressive
What if you want to talk about having lunch right now? In the present progressive, almorzar is conjugated as any other verb ending in -ar in Spanish: estar + verb ending in -ando.
Pronoun Verb ser almorzar Pronunciation Meaning
yo estoy almorzando ehs-TOH-ee ahl-morh-SAHN-doh I am having lunch
tú estás almorzando ehs-TAHS ahl-morh-SAHN-doh you are having lunch (informal)
usted está almorzando ehs-TAH ahl-morh-SAHN-doh he is having lunch
she is having lunch
you are having lunch (formal)
nosotros (as) estamos almorzando ehs-TAH-mohs ahl-morh-SAHN-doh we are having lunch
vosotros (as) estáis almorzando ehs-TAH-ees ahl-morh-SAHN-doh you are having lunch (Spain)
ellos (as) están almorzando ehs-TAHN ahl-morh-SAHN-doh you are having lunch
they are having lunch
Let’s look at some sample sentences using the present progressive:
María: Hola, Juan, ¿dónde estás? (Hi, Juan. Where are you?)
Juan: Estoy almorzando en el restaurante de la esquina. Ven y almorzamos juntos. (I’m having lunch in the restaurant that’s on the corner. Come over and we’ll have lunch together.)
María: Gracias, pero estamos almorzando con el jefe, pensamos que estarías aquí. (Thank you, but we are having lunch with the boss, we thought you were going to be here.)
Juan: Lo siento. No lo sabía. Ya voy para allá (I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I’ll be there.)
Un almuerzo de trabajo (A work lunch)
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