anthropology lab assignment 1

Here is part of the assignment lab, need to use the attached file, finish all lab parts ~~!!!
Primates belong to the Order Primates, which is one of several orders in the Class Mammalia. Primates have several features of their skeletons that allow them to be identified. Many of these relate to visual specializations, a generalized diet, having a relatively large brain, and specializations of the hands and feet for grasping. In this lab we will examine some of the features of primate skulls and teeth, as well as some of the features that distinguish the different types of primate from one another.
There are two major groups of primates (see figure below), recognized as suborders: Strepsirrhini and Haplorhini. The strepsirrhines include the lemurs and lorises from Madagascar and Africa and Asia (the “Old World”) respectively. These are recognized as the infraorders Lemuriformes and Lorisiformes respectively. The haplorrhines include the unusual Tarsiers of Southeast Asia and Anthropoids (monkeys, apes, and humans), each recognized as infraorders (Tarsiiformes and Anthropoidea). Within the anthropoids there are again two major groups: anthropoids from Central and South America (Platyrrhini) and those from the Old World (Catarrhini). The catarrhines are in turn, divided into two groups: the Apes (superfamily Hominoidea) and the Old World Monkeys (superfamily Cercopithecoidea). Thus five major groups of primates can be distinguished readily in their cranial morphology: the strepsirrhines, tarsiifomes (tarsiers), platyrrhines (also called New World monkeys, or ‘NWMâ€), Cercopithecoidea (also called Old World monkeys, or ‘OWMâ€), and Hominoids (the apes, including humans).
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