aziz last one in here 6565

You’ve spent a lot of time this semester researching and writing about a topic you found interesting or important. If we were still meeting in class, you would be doing a presentation to celebrate and publicize your work. Since we are virtual, there are three options as a way to share your WP4 work. Please complete one of these options and post to the disucssion board where you classmates can see the details of your projects.
1. Presentation: Create a post a a short (limit yourself to just a few minutes) presentation, where you share your thesis and main arguments with the class. In other words, convert the ideas from your paper into a format where you can best communicate those ideas with the entire group. This could be done by video, slides, slides with voiceovers, etc.
2. Abstract and Keywords: Write and post a short (no more than 250 words) abstract for your paper. Remember that an absract provides a brief but comprehensive summary of the contents of your paper. It is meant to provide an overview of the paper and helps readers decide whether to read the full text. Also include 3-5 keywords. Keywords need to be descriptive and capture the most important aspects of your paper. They are used for indexing in databases and as search terms for readers.
3. Reserach One-Pager: Design and post a one-page mini-poster that illustrates your research findings. Likely this will combine words and images to more visually represent your main arguments and evidence.
Post your final presentation of work to the discussion board and feel free to comment on any that you find interesting. I will be grading these holistically with an eye toward clarity and quality. Since this is substituting for the final presentation listed in the original syllabus, it is worth 5% of your final course grade. It is due on Thrusday of finals week, as this is later exam date of the two classes.
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