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create a insurance plan

Create a client situation and proposed topical insurance plan that will at a minimum include auto, home, life, health, disability, long term care and annuity insurance products. State what the hypothetical individual already owns, either individually or through an employer policy, what financial resources may be, other competing objectives, and clientâ€s personal preferences and priorities. Having done so, state the insurance solutions that would fulfill the needs given at least the products previously mentioned, although feel free to also use others if appropriate. Address if the policies should be purchased at all, why and how much. If circumstances are currently changing or will in the future, how will this likely effect the overall plan? What are the implications on the other areas of financial planning? (This should be addressed but keep in mind the overall plan presentation is a topical insurance plan, not a comprehensive financial plan.)
The successful submission will include a reasonable present scenario followed by insurance recommendations that demonstrate understanding of products, procedures and ethical constraints addressed thus far.
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