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Recall how the anthropologists trained by Boas, and in particular
Margaret Mead, think about culture. In Mead’s discussion of Samoa, what do you think is the relation of culture (e.g. Samoan culture, American culture) to place? How does Benedict Anderson’s analysis of the effects of the mass circulations of newspapers and other printed material in a common language (in his discussion of print capitalism) offer a different model for how people come to identify themselves as sharing a single, powerful culture, linked to a specific national territory, and linked to a deep love for (and often willingness to die or kill for) the nation? How does Arjun Appadurai think about culture in the context of “globalization” in the late 20th century and after? How does he use as concepts a set of “scapes” to rethink the location of culture? How does Shalini Shankar’s discussion of how advertisers targeting racialized/ethnic minorities in the United States make appeals to Asian Americans (in her discussion of “meta production”) offer a different approach to how “culture” is experienced and recognized, in relation to these other approaches?
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