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discussion 500 words 17

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Respond to the following prompts: “What do I feel are the most important aspects of my learning in the chapters this week?” and “What about this learning was really worthy of my time and understanding?” Then explain how important it is in society or business.
Also, provide a Management-level response to each of the following questions:

One organizational observer suggested that bosses who wonâ€t give negative feedback to followers who need it cause even more damage in the long run than those who fly off the handle when a follower makes a mistake. Do you agree? Discuss.
The chapter describes five ways in which followers need to use courage. Which do you feel is most important? Least important? How might a follower derive the courage to behave in new ways to be more effective? Discuss.
Google wants employees to mingle more but not to waste a lot of time. So as part of its “people strategy,” Google analyzes reams of data to determine the optimal size and shape for the cafeteria tables and the best length for the lunch line. If hygiene factors, as defined in Herzbergâ€s two-factor theory, will not provide increased satisfaction and motivation, why do you think Google would try to increase lunchtime mingling? Discuss.
One small business owner says she doesnâ€t offer her sales representatives incentives because people try to sabotage one another to get more business and stop paying attention to smaller accounts. As a leader, how would you develop a program to motivate and reward high performers without promoting the wrong type of behavior?

This is needed in minimum 500 words.
Once you submit above discussion, I will send you posts of 2 classmates and you need to provide meaningful responses in minimum 100 words each.
Everything must be in APA style only and Plagiarism free.
All the references must be cited well. I will send you course book. Use atleast 3 references with citations and page number.
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