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high school biodiversity assignment

How does biodiversity rank in different areas of your community?
This assignment is designed to get you OUTSIDE ⛰️and thinking about biodiversity in your community.
Begin by downloading this file right here, completing it in Notability, and then uploading it here when finished.

Take a screenshot of these instructions so you have them while outside and disconnected from Wifi.
You can ignore Step #1 in the Procedure.. unless you never turned in your Science Safety Form. Then go here and do that right now (EAAAASY FIVE POINTS!).
Pick three locations in your neighborhood that are separated. What I mean, is if you pick your front yard, don’t pick your next-door-neighbor’s front yard as your second location. Pick something that is geographically some decent distance apart.
It might help to look up the definition for biodiversity before you begin. This will a) help you understand how to rank the locations, but then also b) help you answer Question #1.
Spend about 5-10 min at each location. Do not walk by it, give it a quick glance, and keep going.. this will not help you. In fact, it will hurt your grade on this assignment.
Don’t forget to include photos of each location (at least one photo PER location)! These will be added to pages 2, 3, and 4 of the document. Include a label/location for each photo and observations you made about the plant and animal life there (type and quantity).
Please adhere by social distancing rules while out and about. Remember to stay at least 6 feet apart from others. I want this to be a chance for you to go outside and DO something, but I also want you to be safe and that comes first above all else

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