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how to message

Stakeholders Analysis: Consider who the internal and external stakeholders are for the company, and answer the questions that follow.

Internal Stakeholders include owners, employees, and investors. Imagine if you owned, worked for, or invested in either Acadia Park Equipment Co. or Java Been. How would your needs or interests impact or influence the organizationâ€s communications goal? How would you want to receive communication about the organizationâ€s communications goal?
External Stakeholders include customers, suppliers, and the community. Imagine if you were a customer of, supplier for, or community member of either Acadia Park Equipment Co. or Java Been. How would your needs or interests impact or influence the organizationâ€s communications goal? How would you want to receive communication about the organizationâ€s communications goal?

Target Audience Analysis: Both Acadia Park Equipment Co. and Java Been have provided you with a summary of their target audience(s). Be sure to consider who the target audience is for the company you chose, and describe their needs in relation to the communications goal. In this section, be sure to consider why a member of the target audience might be more likely to choose either Acadia Park Equipment Co. or Java Been over one of their competitors. In other words, what gives the organization a competitive edge for that particular target audience?
Messaging: Once you have analyzed the stakeholders and target audiences, Juanita would like you to propose one message that will meet the needs of both groups. You will need to address the message type, content, and measurement. More specifically, include the following:

Message Type: This could be any message type, such as an email, flyer, poster, Tweet, advertisement, text message, and so on. You do not need to create the actual message, but you should propose the method you plan to use to communicate the message based on the communication goals of Acadia Park Equipment Co. or Java Been.
Message Content: Describe the message content. For instance, if you are planning to use images and visuals, you can describe them rather than create them. All message text should be included and geared toward the stakeholders and audience.
Measurement: Discuss how you will measure the success of your proposed message. For example, will you determine the success based on the number of customers acquired or the number of shares on a social media website?

Rationale: At the end of your communication strategy outline, include a brief rationale that explains why you selected each message type, content, and measurement. Explain how your understanding of stakeholders and audiences informed your message creation.

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