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it304 gmu we can write in our own assumption and state what the assumption are 1

.You may make any assumptions you like in order to answer a question but be sure to state what your assumptions are.If the answer depends on what assumption(s) you make, give some alternative cases.

Copyright and other forms of protection for intellectual property have been around for about 400 years.But the advent of digital communications and the Internet has radically changed the landscape, especially since national borders are not relevant in cyberspace.Can you think of any new ways to protect intellectual property?
Artificial intelligence is growing in importance, and many claims are being made for it.Where do you think that it will have the greatest impact on society?What areas will be less affected, and why?Do you think that any claims made for it are exaggerated?
In what ways do you think that information technology (IT) and communications are improving peopleâ€s lives? Who is benefitting, and who is not benefitting or being hurt? What can be done to fix this situation?
Ransomware is becoming a significant threat. If your company was hit by a ransomware demand, what would you recommend? If you are personally hit with such a demand, what would you do?
Suppose that you go to work for one of the intelligence agencies. They ask you to do work that would violate the privacy of some Americans, but might be important for national security. What would you do?
You are writing software for a new biomedical device that can save many lives. No other method exists to help these people. But you know that there are bugs in the software that could cause the device to fail, resulting in the death of the patients. How would you decide when to release the product?
Some people argue that Internet giants like Google and Facebook are too powerful and have too much influence in our society. Do you agree or disagree with this? Give reasons for your position. Should they be subject to any type of government oversight or regulation?

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