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management information system 80

Discussion Post: 05/13/2020
As an IT manager, discuss how your company will use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to integrate the various functions of an entity. What are the advantages of using ERP? In your discussion, please be sure to provide substantive explanation of what ERP is and give example(s) of ERP. Use APA throughout.

Reply to Discussion
Farhanaz Syed 05/15/2020
A strategic technology design is a set of process & a methodological arrangement which allows an organization to know about its whereabouts & specifies the future goals by means of an innovative frame work methodology. ERP which is termed as Enterprise Resource Planning is a procedural aspect in which the organization oversees & includes somes critical aspects into its business. It includes the set of programming packages & frameworks which are used by the organization to oversee the day to day activities such as administering the ventures, manufacturing process & accounting etc., The ERP framework characterizes a no. of business processes & empowers the information between them by the process of streaming. It includes typical & characterized information structure for major part of its database. Further, it gives access to the information in the regard of big business by exercising & utilizing number of regular builds & definitions on par with the end user expectations. Also, it provides an opportunity to the company to utilize the integrated applications systems to manage & control the business effectively (Ara & Al-Mudimigh, 2011[1]).
The ERP frame work consists of number of favorable circumstances & it includes various modules & sub modules in which each addresses a specific fragment of an affiliation, which enhances the accuracy of the data. It also helps in proficiency & viability change. With the division of data in module & sub modules, the data can be accessed by any division of an organization which enables the on time shipment, quality administering, finance management, demand fulfilling, affirmation of receipts & merchant execution. The time cycle for the whole process can be considerably decreased by the utilization of ERP.
The following are the stages to be deployed in the regard of ERP in an organization
a. Arrangement of operations
b. Client data base which includes stock data & shipment data
c. Coordinated budget data
d. Confirmation by means of readiness & guaranteeing by the customers
e. Migration of data to new structure
f. Preparing the system for Go live & production (Staff,2013 [2])
As an IT manager, I recommend my organization to use ERP technology, in order to acquire the predefined objectives & set goals by avoiding the vulnerabilities, because the ERP tool creates a distributed centralized tasks & has the ability to design & develop the things in a fast & effective way.
Ara, A., & Al-Mudimigh, A. S. (2011, April). The Role and Impact of Project Management in ERP project implementation life cycle. Global Journal of computer science and technology, 11(5), 7-10. Retrieved from
Staff, C. &. (2013, October 13). 7 Steps to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation Success – Supply Chain 24/7.

Reply to Manohar Gompa – 05/15/2020
Enterprise resource planning programs are used within a structured and streamlined framework through businesses observing to manage their commercial purposes. ERP is widely castoff by supply chain businesses to preserve control of entirely the components in construction and distribution. An association is requirements to handle its employees, companies, and the record may all depend on ERP profits. Ultimately, you are saving time and money. Several different businesses may use ERP, including in hospitals, non-profit organizations, construction, and hospitality. The greatest advantage of an ERP is how it handles your company in one program, keeps your company up-to-date, streamlines your procedures, promotes business data review, and helps businesses to more easily satisfy consumer needs (Addo-Tenkorang & Helo, 2011).
Use of ERP
Enterprise resource planning software is castoff to holder many company functions, so it different than most other solutions. However, though ERP can have identical expectations to other approaches, its exclusive characteristics make it an individual software industry opponent. Below are motives why any company should appreciate the charge of ERP programs (Channakeshavalu & Nawaz, 2013).
Features of ERP
ERP applications’ functionality can differ significantly based on the program you are using but, broadly speaking, all frameworks someway improvement teamwork. As previously mentioned, the central database is exactly what makes an ERP unique. On this platform, you’ll have an increasing basis of reality from that to run organization. It removes any errors induced by working with the incorrect data, thus further reducing costs. As well as managing supply, ERP also controls the development. ERP offers insight into all production processes except factory flooring. To optimize performance, this lets users automate production schedules, equipment, and functions.
ERP System Example
The modular range of Epicor’s ERP resources can be deployed on client computers, in the cloud, or on external servers. This program emphasizes teamwork by enabling users can access data from different devices. A Forrester Consulting Report showed that in around a year and a half this program gave businesses a return on the investment of 103 percent. The IFS Full Suite ERP system is perfect if you are looking for a user-friendly project management interface. This device is perfect for production and electronics businesses (Koutaini & Aridah, 2019).
Addo-Tenkorang, R., & Helo, P. (2011). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): A Review Literature Report. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3254.7844
Channakeshavalu, & Nawaz, N. (2013). The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation on Business Performance.  SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3525298
Koutaini, H., & Aridah, W. (2019). Assessing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Customization in SMEs. European Scientific Journal, 12(19). doi:10.19044/esj.2019.v15n19p172
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