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may 8 south america venezuela colombia brazil argentina chile peru uruguay ecuador bolivia paraguay or the guianas to find your article of choice go to the general forum and find my thread about north and central america and the caribbean

May 8: South America ( Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, or the Guianas)

To find your article of choice, go to the General Forum and find my thread about North and Central America and the Caribbean. I have collected several articles ranging from early 2019 to April 2020. Pick any of the articles from that list, you don’t need to notify me, just pick any article and start working on your review.
Please submit your reports through Canvas in either of the following formats: doc, docx or PDF (if you are using Apple Pages to compose your review, please be sure to convert your paper to docx or PDF before submitting it). Late papers will be accepted for each submission, but only for one week after the assigned due dates and will be assessed a full grade deduction. Please use both a title page and a works cited page (neither of these pages count toward your 3-4 pages of text). These 2 reports will count as a combined 25% toward your final grade. In your works cited page, compose your article entry in a format like this:
Nidia Bautista, “Justice for Lesvy: Indifference and Outrage in Response to Gender Violence in Mexico City,” NACLA Report on the Americas website (July 31, 2017).
In terms of the content of each report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points in the article that you selected. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What is the main issue being discussed? (i.e. immigration, elections, education, environment, women’s issues, crime, etc.) Who are the main personalities mentioned in the article? (i.e. Enrique Peña Nieto, Nicolás Maduro, Mauricio Macri, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Jair Bolsonaro, President Trump, Secretary of State Pompeo, etc.) How does the issue affect the people of the country mentioned in the article? Does the issue have any connection with United States interests? In other words, please try to be as objective as possible during this portion of the assignment.
And for the second point of discussion, please analyze the article that you selected and present your point of view on the story. For example, how do you feel about the story? How did this article contribute to your understanding about modern Latin America or the Americas in general? And what do you think about the authorâ€s perspective on the article?


A Clash of Interests in Villa 31Links to an external site.

Another IMF Bailout in Argentina Links to an external site.

Argentina: A Tentative Case for Democratic PopulismLinks to an external site.

Argentina and the IMF: What to Expect with the Likely Return of KirchnerismLinks to an external site.

Decades After Argentina’s Dictatorship, the Abuelas Continue Reuniting FamiliesLinks to an external site.

In Argentina, a “Right Turn” That Wasn’t and Left-Peronism’s Unlikely ComebackLinks to an external site.

Macriâ€s Failed Fracking DreamsLinks to an external site.

Macriâ€s Yellow BalloonsLinks to an external site.

“Our Struggle is Not Just for Ourselves, It is For All Workers”Links to an external site.

The Audacity and Calculations of Cristina KirchnerLinks to an external site.

The Consequences of Mr. MacriLinks to an external site.


Boliviaâ€s Path to Camacho (Interview)Links to an external site.

Boliviaâ€s Plurinational Healthcare Revolution Will Not Be DefeatedLinks to an external site.

Boliviaâ€s Tragic TurmoilLinks to an external site.

Centuries of Fire: Rebel Memory and Andean Utopias in Bolivia (Book Excerpt)Links to an external site.

Evo Morales Wins Boliviaâ€s Election, but Fraud Allegations Tarnish the VictoryLinks to an external site.

History at the Barricades: Evo Morales and the Power of the Past in Bolivian Politics (Book Excerpt)Links to an external site.

Survivors Fight for Justice for 2003 Bolivian Military MassacreLinks to an external site.

The Highs and Lows of Boliviaâ€s Rebel CityLinks to an external site.

Understanding Bolivia’s NightmareLinks to an external site.

Will Evo Morales Survive Boliviaâ€s Fires?Links to an external site.


Attacks on Brazilian Press Increase Under BolsonaroLinks to an external site.

Bolsonaro and Brazil Court the Global Far RightLinks to an external site.

Brazil: Corruption as a Mode of RuleLinks to an external site.

Brazil’s Vulnerable Left Behind in the PandemicLinks to an external site.

Finding Marielle Francoâ€s KillersLinks to an external site.

Guns, Crime, and Corruption: Bolsonaro’s First Month in OfficeLinks to an external site.

Lawfare Unmasked in BrazilLinks to an external site.

Lingering Trauma in Brazil: Police Violence Against Black WomenLinks to an external site.

Marielle Franco, Presente!Links to an external site.

Outsourcing RepressionLinks to an external site.

“Racial Democracy” ReloadedLinks to an external site.

The Burning Quest to Revive a Nationalist Vision in Brazilâ€s AmazonLinks to an external site.

The Inversion of Human Rights in BrazilLinks to an external site.

The Losing Struggle for Brazilian Democracy (Film Review)Links to an external site.

Triggering Police Violence in BrazilLinks to an external site.

Understanding the Fires in South AmericaLinks to an external site.

Urbanismo Miliciano in Rio de Janeiro (also available in Spanish)Links to an external site.

We Will All Be Judged By History: Political Upheaval in BrazilLinks to an external site.


Chileâ€s Environmental BetrayalLinks to an external site.

Chile’s Struggle to Democratize the StateLinks to an external site.

Creativity at the Service of Social Mobilization in ChileLinks to an external site.

Fire and Fury in the Chilean “Oasis”Links to an external site.

Professors Test the Limits of “Me Too” in ChileLinks to an external site.

The Reality in ChileLinks to an external site.

The Santiago Metro as a Microcosm of ChileLinks to an external site.


A New Progressive Movement Scores Landslide Local Victories in ColombiaLinks to an external site.

Behind the National Strike in ColombiaLinks to an external site.

“Birds of Passage:” Indigenous Communities Rewrite the Drug WarLinks to an external site.

Colombia’s Environmental Crisis Accelerates Under DuqueLinks to an external site.

Colombiaâ€s Longest Insurgency and the Last Chance for Peace?Links to an external site.

Colombiaâ€s National Protests Show that Infrastructure, Too, is PoliticsLinks to an external site.

Creative Resistance in Medellínâ€s Changing Public SpaceLinks to an external site.

Former FARC Combatants Face Their PastsLinks to an external site.

In Colombia, Civil Society Fights for PeaceLinks to an external site.

In Colombia, the Press Under FireLinks to an external site.

Rejecting Inequality and State Violence in Colombia (link to several other NACLA articles; pick one at the bottom of the page)Links to an external site.

The Brink of Extinction in ColombiaLinks to an external site.

The Wide-Angle Lens of Colombiaâ€s National StrikeLinks to an external site.

Will Megaprojects Destroy Colombiaâ€s Peace Process?Links to an external site.

Women Weaving Life in Southern ColombiaLinks to an external site.


Ecuador: Society’s Reaction to IMF Austerity PackageLinks to an external site.

Ecuador Indigenous Protests Braved ‘War Zone†to Win Peopleâ€s Victory, But Anti-IMF Fight Not OverLinks to an external site.

Elected Left, Governing RightLinks to an external site.

The Long Coup in EcuadorLinks to an external site.


A Ray of Light for Paraguay’s Trans CommunityLinks to an external site.

COVID-19 Drives Unlikely Changes in ParaguayLinks to an external site.

Remembering Paraguayâ€s Great War (also available in Spanish)Links to an external site.

Tales of Terror on the Triple FrontierLinks to an external site.

The Dam that (Almost) Brought Down Paraguayâ€s PresidentLinks to an external site.


A 30-Year Quest for Justice in PeruLinks to an external site.

A Narrowly-Avoided Constitutional Crisis in PeruLinks to an external site.

An Uncertain Way Forward for PeruLinks to an external site.

Limaâ€s Wall(s) of ShameLinks to an external site.

Peru Dissolves its Congress, Setting Up a Fight for the Political FutureLinks to an external site.

Rings of Corruption in PeruLinks to an external site.

Silenced No More in PeruLinks to an external site.

The Politiquería of Vizcarraâ€s Call for Early Elections in PeruLinks to an external site.

Will the Peruvian Amazon Finally Have Political Representation in 2020?Links to an external site.


Caught in the Crossfire: Mothers†Everyday Resistance in CaracasLinks to an external site.

From Middle Power to Regime Change Specialist: Canada and the Venezuela CrisisLinks to an external site.

Juan Guaidóâ€s Policy Proposals: “The Venezuela to Come” or the Venezuela that has already been?Links to an external site.

Learning from Venezuelaâ€s Missteps in Building Urban Popular Power (also available in Spanish)Links to an external site.

Narco-terrorism Charges Against Maduro and the “Cartel of the Suns”Links to an external site.

Regime Change “Made in the U.S.A.”Links to an external site.

Spectacle, Internationalization, and the Elephant in
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The post may 8 south america venezuela colombia brazil argentina chile peru uruguay ecuador bolivia paraguay or the guianas to find your article of choice go to the general forum and find my thread about north and central america and the caribbean appeared first on Superb Professors.

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