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mba6011 creating the communication strategy

Due June 1 at 11:59 PM
This course has a major project assignment due in Week 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete it. Plan time to start the research and work on the assignment earlier than the week in which it is due.
Using the same organization Apple, you selected in Week 1, imagine that you will be making a Microsoft Power Point presentation to the organization’s board of directors or other decision-making leaders (depending upon the type of organization you are using). Your work this week will consist of two parts for the presentation.

First, you will synthesize the key insights you have learned during the past five weeks.
Second, you will present an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) strategy, a pricing objective, and a pricing strategy to the board of directors. Because this second part involves new material in the project, it will probably require the most research and analysis to complete this week’s presentation.

The following sections provide greater detail about the two pieces of your presentation.
Note: The expectation for this project is a scholarly presentation. A scholarly presentation has two main distinctions:

The notes sections of slides contain research citations, evaluation, and conclusions—just like in a good scholarly paper. In other words, a reader should be able to read your notes section as if he or she is reading an academic paper. The grading rubric suggests a level of critical thinking for the presentation (in the notes section particularly) that is on the level of a good academic paper.

Key points and information on the slides are highlighted. A good slide contains no more than six lines of text. The slide should just contain the “big ideas” to help guide your reader through the main points.
In addition, for this project in particular, the first several sections of your presentation will use material you composed in the previous weeks of the project. However, use the slides and notes sections to show that you can do more than just copy from the previous weeks’ papers. Show that you can summarize the material and present the most important points to your audience.

Part 1: Summary of Key Insights from the Course Project to Date
Using course work (and feedback!) you have completed so far in the course project, summarize key points regarding the organizational mission and how the new product/service and your proposed service delivery enhancements contribute to the organization’s ability to complete the mission.

New Mission; New Product/Service (2 slides)

Provide a brief overview of the new/improved mission statement and the new/improved product or service you are proposing.
Provide the board of directors with supported rationale for how the new product/service contributes to achieving the new/improved organizational mission.

Service Delivery Enhancements (2 slides)

Provide a brief overview of service delivery enhancements to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Provide the board of directors with supported rationale for how the service delivery enhancements contribute to achieving organizational mission.

Part 2: Communication Strategy
As new material for this week, you need to communicate to your “organization’s” market segment the key benefits that make the organization distinct from the competitors. In addition, you need to announce the improvements in the delivery of the services by the company. Justify an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) strategy that includes the following:

Advertisement (5–7 slides)

Propose an advertisement featuring the new (improved) services and containing the following elements:

A headline
A subhead line
A brand–positioning statement
An artwork
A layout

Justify traditional and nontraditional channels to carry the advertisement.
In the notes section, justify your channel selection. Use research to support your work.

Pricing (2–3 slides)

Justify both a pricing objective and a pricing strategy for the company on the basis of the information gathered from the case study, an understanding of the competition, and the likely attitude of current customers.
In the notes section, justify why the organization should adopt the pricing objective and follow your pricing strategy, using appropriate examples, research, and reasoning.

Conclusion (1 slide)

Conclude with a statement positioning the brand around the new service delivery.
In the notes section, defend the statement. Support your work with research.

Submissions Details:

The presentation should be 12 to 15 slides in length.
Place any references on the last slide, using APA style.
By the due date assigned, submit your work to the Submissions Area. Due June 1 at 11:59 PM

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