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mha 598 leveraging results to build brand in the health sector 1

Write a brief paper that provides an update on the progress of your Gemba walk project.
Discuss the following in your paper:

How is your employer responding to your project?
What internal and external data sources have you identified?
What successes and challenges have you encountered requesting or accessing data?
How is the data helping to narrow down to a viable, short-term executable project?
What other challenges are you encountering?
What are you doing to work around the challenges?
What is the connection of the Gemba walk project to the upcoming Capstone project?

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Project Update Review
20% of total grade
Discussion addressed Gemba walk topic being identified, understood and supported by current employer. Shared workplace experiences and interviews related to the project. (8)

Discussion addressed Gemba walk topic. Shared workplace experiences and/or interviews related to the project. (7.2)
Weak discussion addressing Gemba walk topic. Shared minimal workplace experiences and/or interviews related to the project. (6.4)
Discussion addressing Gemba walk topic lacking substance and value. (5.6)
25% of total grade
Identified multiple contributing data resources (both internal and external to the organization) in support of the project, and discussed multiple challenges in securing those data resources. (10)
Identified a couple contributing data resources in support of the project, along with challenges discussed in securing those data resources. (9)
Identified minimal contributing data resources in support of the project; minimal challenges were discussed in securing those data resources. (8)
Contributing data resources in support of the project not identified; challenges associated with securing those data resources were not discussed. (7)
25% of total grade
Identified challenges for the completion of the project; discussed logical workarounds to those challenges. (10)
Identified challenges for the completion of the project; discussed workarounds to those challenges. (9)
Minimal challenges, workarounds discussed. (8)
Challenges, workarounds discussed lacked substance or were illogically connected. (7)
15% of total grade
All of the writing style, format, citations and references are consistent with APA guidelines. (6)
The majority of the writing style, format, citations and references are consistent with APA guidelines. (5.4)
Portions of the writing style, format, citations and references are not consistent with APA guidelines. (4.8)
Writing style, format, citations and references are not consistent with APA guidelines or plagiarism is present. (4.2)

15% of total grade
No errors in spelling and grammar (6)
Few errors in spelling and grammar (5.4)
Several errors in spelling and grammar (4.8)
Numerous errors in spelling and grammar (4.2)
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