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Parts of the Brain Stem: The Medulla Oblongata and Pons

In this lesson, we’ll learn how you are able to breathe without even thinking about it. You’ll also find out why you breathe faster when you run. Finally, we’ll learn where things as diverse as sneezing and blood pressure are controlled.
Did You Remember to Breathe?
I’m sure you know that your heart is a pretty large structure: about the size of your fist. Your lungs are obviously even bigger in size. But did you know that the speed at which your heart beats and your lungs breathe are in large part controlled by areas of your brain sometimes as small as a thumbtack?
Amazing, isn’t it? A tiny little area in your brain is what gives you the ability to breathe and enjoy life. These little areas are located in two important areas of your brain stem, known as the pons and medulla oblongata. We’ll also learn about their structure and function, including chemoreceptors, pH sensing, and breathing rate.
Not only do these areas control your heart and lungs, but they also monitor your blood pressure and the acidity of your blood in order to adjust your breathing rate automatically. Your brain essentially has autopilot zones, which allow you to focus on things, like studying for an exam, watching television, or texting a friend, without having to worry about remembering to breathe.
The pons regulates respiratory functions.
Pons Purpose
The Pons
With that in mind, a major structure in the upper part of your brain stem is called the pons. The pons has two over-arching roles. The first is the regulation of breathing. In the pons, there is a structure called the pneumotaxic center. This is really just a big word for a center of nerve cells that control the amount of air you breathe and how many times a minute you take a breath, which is known as the breathing rate. For example, when you run, you begin to breathe faster, and when you lie down on the couch to rest, you breathe more slowly. This breathing rate is regulated in part thanks to the pons.
In addition, the pons is involved in the transmission of signals to and from other structures in the brain, such as the cerebrum or the cerebellum. The pons is also involved in sensations such as hearing, taste, and balance. Finally, the pons is also involved in the regulation of deep sleep.
The Medulla Oblongata’s General Functions
Whereas the pons is located in the upper part of the brainstem, the medulla oblongata is a structure located in the lower half of the brainstem. Just because the medulla oblongata is beneath the pons doesn’t mean it’s any less significant. In fact, they often work in tandem on issues such as breathing.
The medulla oblongata is located in the lower portion of the brainstem.
Mudulla Oblongata Location
In addition, the medulla oblongata is very important in things like your heart rate and blood pressure. Furthermore, it’s responsible for many reflexes in your body, or things you usually do not voluntarily control, such as vomiting, sneezing, and coughing.
The Medulla Oblongata’s Specific Role in Breathing
Finally, the medulla oblongata has a really cool thing it can do. Let’s use an example to illustrate what this function is.
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