project1 essay about ethnic studies no outside sources

Critical Comparison Analysis Paper ( Compose an essay of at minimum 8 pages double spaced, proofread, spell checked, 12 point Times Roman font, in MLA format with a minimum of 16 in-text citations from course articles, videos and Takaki textbook reference support. No outside sources will be credited towards the minimum requirement. NUMBER THE PAGES.
A) The introductory paragraph should summarize the general argument and issues you will explore in your paper (20 points)
B). Body of essay should elaborate on the argument or theme outlined in your introduction using quotes or references from the course. Be careful to distinguish your opinion or interpretation from those of the author(s) you cite. (80 points)
C). There should be a summary or concluding paragraph at the end of the essay, reviewing your theme or argument. (20 points)
The essay should tie events, public policy, and/or political/social behavior in the history of the United States with issues or ethnic group interactions with the dominant population in the United States to current times.
Were the historical experiences of the different Asian immigrant groups and Latinx immigrants to the United States similar or different in terms of identity challenges, social, political, and economic struggles? Identify the impact of that experience in current times? (This is a comparison study between the lived experience of one or more Asian Americans ethnic groups and one or more Latinx Americans ethnic groups. There is a lot of latitude in terms of direction and approach of this Essay.
First /we are using 1 book which I will need your business email to share the book via amazon
Starting from Chapter 7 (pages 155- not the whole book required)

Second a few articles and videos /
1-Ethnic Stereotypes – Speedy Gonzales

2-Latino Representation in the Media

3- Chinese American experience in AmericaVideo: Becoming American

4- Chinese almost Written out of History

5- Crazy Rich Asians not Asian Enough

6- Finding Asian Identity in a Black and White World

7- Iâ€m Not Your Asian StereotypeStop saying these things to Asians

8- Stop Calling Asian Women Adorable

9- Women and body image

10- Teach Girls Bravery not perfection

in the end, thank you and make sure to have decent opinion not so judgmental please.
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