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research proposal on effectivenes of firwall s and vpn s 5000 words part a 3000 part b 2000

NOTE: I need the research proposal
A research proposal should be approximately 2800 – 3000 words (excluding references, citations and tables, Ethics form)
You are advised to following the structure outlined below
.Table of contents .Title .Introduction.Aim .Literature Review •Set out and justify, using supporting literature, where your work will fit in the computing body of knowledge. .Background, •Outline and critically discuss what relevant research has been undertaken, in the past, in your area of interest and why this project is necessary. .Motivation •Outline and critically discuss why the research will be of value, in the future, and what the anticipated impact of the outcomes will be..Relevance •Outline why you want to undertake this work, some areas to consider are, personal motivation, skills set and career choices.
.Scope(critical discussion) •Outline and justify the scope of your project – what you intend to do, what you will not include but might be expected by others to be incorporated..Objectives •Outline numbered steps (SMART Objectives) you will have to complete in order to achieve the aims. After each objective outline the deliverable or outcome that will be produced. Outline how you will assess and or measure the quality for that objective. •Outline what research method/design you will adopt for each objective and how each method will support one another..Known risk (high, moderate, low) •Produce a task list for all objectives, that defines, task, deliverable, resources (all types) required, skills required,time required.
.Source and Use of Knowledge(critical discussion for both) •Identify and justify a journal where your work would be relevant for publication. •dentify aspects of the standards for publication in the target journal that you can incorporate into your project proposal, so for example the referencing system, font style and pitch etc. •Identify, justify and critically discuss any authors, journals where previous relevant research has been published within the last 5 years. There is no fix number, it is your judgement to scope this listing.
.Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues(critical discussion) •Write out a section that discusses, explores and defines all of the ethical, legal,social and professional issues associated with your project, including how you will consider security issues.
.Methodology(critical discussion) .Gantt chart(feb20,2020-may4,2020).Conclusion.References
NOTE: references and citations are very important so please add more citations, cite where-ever required.

Professional Reflection (2000 words)•Critical discussion of challenges encountered in the construction of each section of the proposal.•Critical discussion of your interaction and use of support tutors/peers/supervisors•Critical discussion of skills required/used for successful construction of the proposal•Critical discussion of lessons learnt from the process and strategies to adopt to move•Production of a professional development plan see Blackboard for suggested template.

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