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Resolving a Construction Dilemma A library building is about to undergo some renovations that will improve its structural integrity. As part of the process, a number of steel beams will be carried through the existing bookcases from a broad, open area around the entry point.

 Resolving a Construction Dilemma A library building is about
to undergo some renovations that will improve its structural integrity. As part of the process, a number of steel beams will be carried through the existing bookcases from a broad, open area around the entry point. The central aisle between the bookcases is 10 feet wide, while the side aisles (which run perpendicular to the central aisle) are 6 feet wide. The renovation will require that steel beams be carried through the stacks, down the main aisle and turning into the smaller aisles. What is the longest steel beam that can be carried horizontally through this space to a construction point along the outer walls? Please show a picture to illustrate your analysis (free-hand pictures are not preferred but acceptable as long as they are sufficiently clear)
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