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signature assignment and concert info 1

Sample Rubric


5-9 points

10 – 14 points

15 – 19 points


Correct factual information

Student is often inaccurate in using dates, historical facts and information.

Student is occasionally inaccurate in using dates, historical facts and information.

Student is mostly accurate in using dates, historical facts and information.

Student is accurate in using dates, historical facts and information.

Correct use of musical terms

Student does not use musical terms correctly and in the appropriate context.

Student only occasionally uses musical terms correctly and in the appropriate context.

Student almost always uses musical terms correctly and in the appropriate context.

Student uses musical terms correctly and in the appropriate context.

Reasoned responses with specific examples from the music

Student rarely articulates reasoned responses to questions and has few specific musical examples.

Student occasionally articulates reasoned responses to questions and has specific musical examples.

Student usually articulates reasoned responses to questions and often uses specific musical examples.

Student articulates reasoned responses to questions and uses specific musical examples.

Use of Complete Sentences

Student rarely uses complete sentences and has many errors in grammar and usage.

Student uses complete sentences in some responses with grammatical or usage errors.

Student uses complete sentences in most responses with rare grammatical or usage errors.

Student uses complete sentences in all responses with rare grammatical or usage errors.

Cultural Awareness

Student articulates a surface understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, values, communication styles, economy or beliefs and practices.

Student articulates a partial understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.

Student articulates an adequate understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.

Student articulates a sophisticated understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.…
To fulfill the concert/signature assignment requirement , you will watch a prerecorded performance using this link:

You can either register on the above site to watch the complete concert, or watch the individual pieces without registering.
Following this you will answer questions contained in the ‘Signature Assignment’ folder in ‘coursework’. Write your answers on a word document and then attach to the ‘signature assignment’ folder under ‘coursework’.

The Signature Assignment is due by May 4th. No submissions will be accepted after this date.
Attending a live concert allows you as a student to demonstrate listening skills, understand historical context and apply this experience to your own appreciation of the music. Choose one of the concerts you attended that was approved by your instructor and answer the following questions. You may use your concert program and other resources.

List the title and composer of each piece performed.
Choose two pieces from this performance, and tell us the following:

What was the genre of the piece? (concerto, tone poem, symphony, dance etc.)
What was the instrumentation? (full orchestra, strings only, if a soloist list the instrument played)
What was the style period (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th c. and beyond) and who may have been the original intended audience? (nobles, church, general public etc.)

Choose one piece from the performance and describe your emotional response to it. What elements of the music (tempo, dynamics, texture, instrumentation, etc.) contributed to that feeling?
What was your favorite piece? Why?
What was your least-favorite piece? Why?

Write your answers on a word document and then attach to the ‘signature assignment’ folder under ‘coursework’.
Go to coursework.
Click on ‘signature assignment and concert info.’
Click on “SA-Concert Review Signature Assignment”
Answer the questions using a word document.
Attach the document to the section with the title: ‘Assignment Submission’
and then Submit.
Your response will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Use of complete sentences
Correct factual information
Correct use of musical terms
Thoughtful responses to opinion questions using specific examples from the music.



Indicates an assignment was not submitted
Indicates a submission of an assignment that does not allow for sufficient or appropriate scoring of skill, for example, an assignment that was plagiarized.
Articulates a surface understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.
Articulates a partial understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.
Articulates an adequate understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.
Articulates a sophisticated understanding of the complexity of the characteristics important to members of cultures being assessed in relation to their history, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices

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