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tesla motor

Tesla Motors is the “it” stock right now in the automotive industry. Tesla was a pioneer in offering cars that run 100% on electricity rather than gasoline, and it has also diversified into solar energy, purchasing the company SolarCity. Its stock price has risen high enough in recent years that it has surpassed automobile giant General Motors in market valuation.
However, not all analysts believe Tesla is a good investment at its current price. It sells less than a 100,000 cars per year, compared with General Motors which sells around 10 million cars a year. Unlike General Motors, Tesla has yet to earn a profit.
Here are some articles both pro and con about whether you should invest in Tesla. Take a look at these articles and also try to find some more recent articles on Teslaâ€s stock:
Based on what youâ€ve read, do you think Tesla is worth its high valuation, or is it simply priced too high because it is considered new and trendy? Would you personally invest in Tesla, or would you prefer to invest in one of the more established auto companies such as GM or Ford?

Please respond to the following discussion post:
post 1 – Ava:
Sales of electric vehicles are projected to grow over the next five years to about 30% of all auto sales. This creates a strong growth path for Tesla, a leader in electric vehicle manufacturing. However, despite a bullish market for Tesla, I do not think Tesla is worth its high valuation. Its high valuation is mere because it is new and trendy (slightly having a different manufacturing orientation than its traditional competitors). The hopes of Tesla to expand its footprint in China, the largest electric vehicle market in the world, has faced various setbacks ranging from changing regulation to the US-China trade war. This creates a gloomy future prospect for this leading electric vehicles. For this reason, I would not personally invest in Tesla, rather I would prefer to invest in one of the more established auto companies such as GM or Ford. More established companies are more likely to create value for investment, with more historical and realistic data backing, unlike Tesla that walks on uncharted water, making it challenging to get its closer-to-real fair value.
post 2 – Joshua:
Full disclosure, i cannot currently afford a Tesla….BUT…I do believe it is the new/trendy/cool/popular thing. However, i also believe it is a trend that will stick. They sound like an awesome vehicle and corporation. Elon Musk seems like an innovative genius. They literally had their value cut in half and then saw a 400% rise in the same 2-year span, like them or not, that’s amazing. It is bold that they are valued over GM and Ford but the “great minds” obviously see the potential with the writing on the wall. There is referencing to BITCOIN and it’s rise and fall. I really don’t see how that is a far or realistic comparison. What other car company is doing what Tesla is doing? Honestly, i am open to any feedbacks or opinions as always. I am currently a little over paycheck to paycheck until i move onto my 2nd career, so i really don’t have much experience with stocks and the market overall. From the little i do know, i do believe they are not a flash in the pan and they will be very valuable for a long time. The basis of my opinion is what they bring to the table and the fact that it really feels like they are bench-marking their practices.
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