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w3 d1 res2 ggggggggg

Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Hypothesis testing is an important activity of empirical research and evidence-based medicine. The first step in the scientific process is not observation but the generation of a hypothesis which may then be tested critically by observations and experiments. An investigator starts by presuming the null hypothesis, or no association between the predictor and outcome variables in the population. Based on the data collected in his sample, the investigator uses statistical tests to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis that there is an association in the population. The standard for these tests is shown as the level of statistical significance. Depending on whether the null hypothesis is true or false in the target population, and assuming that the study is free of bias, 4 situations are possible. In 2 of these, the findings in the sample and reality in the population are concordant, and the investigatorâ€s inference will be correct. In the other 2 situations, either a type I or a type II error has been made, and the inference will be incorrect (Banerjee, Chitnis, Jadhav, Bhawalkar, & Chaudhury, 2009).
Essential oils are becoming more and more popular. Chamomile, lavender, and ylang-ylang are commonly touted as anxiety remedies. The investigator wants to test the healing powers of peppermint essential oil. Null hypothesis – Peppermint essential oil does not affect the pangs of anxiety. The alternative hypothesis – Peppermint essential oil alleviates the pangs of anxiety. Conclusion – After providing one group with peppermint oil and the other with a placebo, the investigator gauges the difference between the two based on self-reported levels of anxiety. Based on the calculations, the difference between the two groups is statistically significant. The investigator concludes that your study supports the alternative hypothesis that peppermint essential oil can alleviate the pangs of anxiety (Examples of Hypothesis Testing, 2020).

Banerjee, A., Chitnis, U. B., Jadhav, S. L., Bhawalkar, J. S., & Chaudhury, S. (2009). Hypothesis testing, type I, and type II errors. Industrial psychiatry journal. 18(2). pp 127–131.
Examples of Hypothesis Testing. (2020). Retrieved from…
Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.)

Ask a probing question.
Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.

Validate an idea with your own experience.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.

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