270 word discussion forum

Read chapter one of the textbook, Cost-Based Pricing: A Guide for Government Contractors
Try the link below if top one does not work.
Cost-Based Pricing: A Guide for Government Contractors by Darrell J, Over
Management Concepts © 2012 9781567263695
Select one of the three pricing methods (cost-based, parametric, or should-cost, methods). Paraphrase the authorâ€s description and elaborate with the aid of two library articles. Researching the library is important, and this exercise will provide practice.
The purpose of the assignment: Explain a contractor’s estimating and accounting systems.
To get started, watch this video located at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNEZPsY9xkk
Additional information is available in the reference document below:
Defense Contract Audit Agencyâ€s Information For Contractors located at http://www.dcaa.mil/cam.html
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