phil 1301 term paper religious harmony

Topic: My chosen position is pro inter-religious harmony.
According to the Dalai Lama in his article on The Role of Religion, the development of greater inter-religious harmony is the key to ending conflicts between religions and developing greater understanding and wisdom between people of different religious backgrounds. For this paper, take a position on whether you believe it is possible to achieve religious harmony and peaceful co-existence and acceptance between different religions today. What arguments and proposals does the Dalai Lama give for promoting this greater harmony? Can these measures be successful, why or why not? What obstacles prevent greater acceptance and tolerance between religions? Can these obstacles be overcome? What hope is there for lasting peace between different religious groups in the years and decades to come?
Specific Requirements: (listed in the attached file)
4-6 pages in length.
Double-spaced, 12 font size.
Primary References: from the Dalai Lama original texts.
Secondary References

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