film analysis black panther amp attack the block

These are two separate analysis on each movie, there is to be no correlation
Attaching A Film Analysis worksheet that can be used to understand what to look out for in the movies. In addition, there is a short outline below for each movie analysis. Very similar but different focuses.
Black Panther (Focus Plot/Story & Genre)
Use the worksheet provided to make notes on your film as you watch . Your full essay should be between 800 – 1200 words long.
Your essay should also follow the format below.

Include a brief introduction of your film.
A short summary of the story.
A full discussion of genre.
A full discussion of Plot and Story (the Paradigm).
And finally, a conclusion.
Focus: Plot and Story & Genre
Essay/Analysis Format:
Brief Introduction-
What film did you watch? When was it produced? Who wrote/directed? How does it conform to the chosen genre (visual and narrative characteristics)? Does it fall into any subgenre categories?
Brief Film Summary-
Please produce a brief (less than 400 words) summary of your film. Who are the main characters? What happens in the beginning? What happens in the middle? What happens at the end? This should be a basic discussion of the 3 act structure of your film (Setup, Conflict, Resolution. See your Plot and Story lecture).
Body/Discuss- Genre
Here, discuss the genre of your film using your text lectures to guide your discussion. What are your filmâ€s visual and narrative characteristics? Expand on your comments from your introduction. Include examples from the film which serve as support for your discussion of genre. Please discuss particular scenes which you feel highlight the conventions of your filmâ€s genre.
Body/Discuss- Plot and Story &The Paradigm
Here, discuss the narrative structure of your film using your text lectures to guide your discussion. Discuss the set-up, conflict, and resolution of your film in detail. Go beyond your introductory paragraph and discuss the story elements with examples from your film. For example, which scene(s) in Act I really exemplifies the “set-up?” What happens? Also, discuss the dilemma of your film. How is it a “dilemma of magnitude?”
Brief Conclusion-
Wrap it up!

Attack The Block (Focus Cinematography)
Use the worksheet provided to make notes on your film as you watch. Your full essay should be between 800 – 1200 words long.
Your essay should also follow the format below.

Include a brief introduction of your film.
A short summary of the story.
A full discussion of cinematography.
A full discussion of Plot and Story (the Paradigm).
And finally, a conclusion.
Focus: Cinematography
Essay/Analysis Format:
Brief Introduction-
What film did you watch? When was it produced? Who wrote/directed? How does it conform to the chosen genre (visual and narrative characteristics)? Does it fall into any subgenre categories?
Brief Film Summary-
Please produce a brief (less than 400 words) summary of your film. Who are the main characters? What happens in the beginning? What happens in the middle? What happens at the end? This should be a basic discussion of the 3 act structure of your film (Setup, Conflict, Resolution. See your Plot and Story lecture).
Body/Discuss- Cinematography
Here, discuss the cinematography of your film using your text and PDF to guide your discussion. What are your filmâ€s visual characteristics? Please discuss particular scenes which you feel highlight the style of your film. Discuss the visual progression of the film.
Body/Discuss- Plot and Story &The Paradigm
Here, discuss the narrative structure of your film using your text lectures to guide your discussion. Discuss the set-up, conflict, and resolution of your film in detail. Go beyond your introductory paragraph and discuss the story elements with examples from your film. For example, which scene(s) in Act I really exemplifies the “set-up?” What happens? Also, discuss the dilemma of your film. How is it a “dilemma of magnitude?”
Brief Conclusion-
Wrap it up!

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