powerpoint presentation review the american academy of pediatrics aap website aap org and read information about eliminating poverty related issues impacting children and families

Powerpoint Assignment: This week you have the opportunity to put the information learned, in week 2, about the policy formulation process, into practice. Review the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) website, aap.org, and read information about eliminating poverty-related issues impacting children and families. Create a powerpoint that at a minimum includes the following:
• frame and define the problem• AAPâ€s role addressing the issue(s)• the challenges and solutions indicated• indicate the objectives• indicate how you would build support• indicate and consolidate options
The powerpoint should be as long as necessary to present a clear and concise description of the problem, issues, challegens and solutions. This is the first part of the powerpoint presentation. You will extend this powerpoint in week 6 resulting in a final product. Feel free to request completing this assignment that involves a different issue other than families living in poverty. If you decide to select another issue, it must be national or international problem with involvement from the federal government.
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