if you had to begin a job search next week what would your portfolio consist of how would you present your portfolio a folder on a google drive your own website a collection of work pieces on a social media site

As part of the job search process, many organizations ask for some kind of “portfolio” or collection of work samples that are representative of who you are in terms of skills and experience. This portfolio usually includes: resume, pieces of work (e.g., reports, presentations, publications, etc.). If you had to begin a job search next week, what would your portfolio consist of? How would you present your portfolio (a folder on a Google drive, your own website, a collection of work pieces on a social media site)?
If you do not have a portfolio, now is your chance to begin the building of one. If you have one, here is an opportunity to update it. Please share with me the link to your portfolio and I will give you constructive feedback.
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