gender and leadership in human services discussion minimum 250 words and please include references in apa format

Gender and Leadership Style
In your course text, there is a reflection about gender-based differences in leadership style, noting emerging views that “female” leadership styles are more effective in contemporary social and crisis situations. Given this reflection and recent news about challenges in the Veterans Health Care Administration, discuss leadership qualities shown by the recently hired Latina Veterans Administration director in Riverbend City: Women in Leadership (linked in Resources). What strengths does she bring to the challenges facing the VA health care system? What challenges does she experience? Support your reflections with the course readings for this week.

Select each of the mentorâ€s statements below to view Cherieâ€s response.

I’d like to thank you again for meeting with me!
No problem! I’m very glad to help. What can I tell you?

What can you tell me about your job, big-picture?
OK…As you know, I’m the Medical Center Director here at Riverbend City’s VA hospital. We’re not as large as some VA facilities, but we’re large enough. I’ve been in this position for about four years now, and I like to think that my tenure’s been a success. I know that hospital performance has improved across a whole lot of metrics.

What have your biggest challenges been in this role?
I’m really, really hesitant to go into this, because I want to make it absolutely clear that I’m not trying to play the victim. But. In over 40 years of operation, I am the first woman to lead this hospital, and if I’m going to be clear-eyed about it, I have to admit that this has created some challenges.

You’ve had problems with men on staff?
Yes, but not just men. I’ve had some friction with women, too. The VA is a civilian agency, but we by nature have a lot of overlap with military culture. And it’s a great culture! I work in this system for a reason. But it can be a culture that’s slow to embrace change. And it turns out that, as a woman—or at least as myself—my leadership

style represents a change. I learned early on that I don’t have as much room for deliberation. If I take some time to consider a decision or build consensus, that’s looked on as weak; I’m convinced that if I were a man, the same action would be looked on as wise, careful leadership. So there are times when I feel like I have to overcompensate.

That sounds serious.
It can be. Again, don’t get me wrong, I generally feel like I have a great relationship with my staff. But there are times when I don’t feel well-supported. For the past 10 months, my mother’s been extremely sick, and that’s taken up a fair amount of my time and attention. So there are days when I get into the office later than I’d like, or leave earlier than I’d like. It’s very disquieting to walk into a meeting where your senior staff are gathered and hear the whole room just abruptly go quiet. It’s very hard not to feel like they were talking about you.

What a difficult situation!
Well, I don’t want to oversell my drama. Most of the time, everything’s great. Listen. I have to make a few phone calls. I know you were planning on talking to some other staffers…why don’t you go do that, and we’ll reconnect in a few hours?

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