trans kids extra credit assignment

Write 2 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions:

From the movie “Growing Up Trans, (Links to an external site.)” what are some of the challenges faced by transgender kids and their parents?
How transgender individuals develop a gender identity? Identify biological, social and cultural factors.

Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers must be original, use your own ideas and words. If you consult or copy from any website or written material, please indicate the source using ASA (Links to an external site.), APA (Links to an external site.) or MLA (Links to an external site.) format.
Writing Assignment

Writing Assignment


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletion

2.0 pts
2 well written paragraphs focused on the topic

1.0 pts
Missing a paragraph or one or both paragraphs lack focus.

0.0 pts
No paragraphs or paragraphs do not answer the questions.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired readings

4.0 pts
Demonstrates comprehension of readings

1.0 pts
Demonstrate partial comprehension of readings.

0.0 pts
No comprehension of readings.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality

4.0 pts
Original ideas using student’s own words.

2.0 pts
Ideas or words presented are common knowledge.

0.0 pts
No originality in words and ideas.

4.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

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