5 page literature review on team resiliency 1

Instructions for 5 Page Literature Review on Team Resiliency.
Complete the following:

Select 1 topic from the table. You are now going to craft paragraphs related to the topic using the material that you generated using the table presented in the last Individual Project (and any other material that you developed during years 1 and 2 of the program).
Select several direct quotes from at least two of the sources that seem to address the same angle of the topic that you selected (think: sorting qualitative data for themes).
For each of the direct quotes that you selected, paraphrase the direct quote. At this point, you are not paraphrasing everything in your table, only what you need right now. You want to have very few direct quotes in your dissertation because they undermine your credibility as a researcher and scholar.
After you have paraphrased the quotes, craft a paragraph (or more as needed).Note that you have many direct quotes related to the topic across a number of sources (if you are mastering the literature). Now, you are going to develop the narrative that synthesizes your knowledge of the topic across multiple sources and helps the reader see your logic as it pertains to your discussion of the topic. Think of the narrative that you are constructing as a story that you are going to share that helps the reader understand your topic. Every story has a logic embedded in it. A story is not simply a series of notes. It is headed somewhere, and that is your conceptual framework.Remember, each paragraph should have a topic sentence that tells the reader what the paragraph is about. Each subsequent sentence in the paragraph should stay on the topic introduced by the topic sentence. Avoid wandering down the tributaries. Of course, there are many things you could discuss about the topic, but do not try to do it in one paragraph.Consider the following example paragraph:

According to Sutton and Staw (1995), there is a lack of consensus concerning what constitutes theory and, consequently, difficulty in developing strong theory. Sutton and Staw (1995) asserted that theory should explain causal relationships, describing why the involvement of certain variables can lead to certain outcomes. This includes the expected sequence of events for the involved variables that leads to predictions of outcomes (Sutton & Staw, 1995). Further, Weick (1995) contended there are few fully developed theories; therefore, most theories are in some level of development before final completion. Finally, Weick (1995) explained that the process of theorizing includes (a) abstracting, (b) generalizing, (c) relating, (d) selecting, (e) explaining, (f) synthesizing, and (g) idealizing. Therefore, a theory should describe the causal relationships of a certain phenomenon, including predictions about outcomes when certain variables are involved. Servant leadership is a recognized theory of leadership, with various models describing the antecedents, characteristics, and outcomes of servant leadership (Northouse, 2013; Parris & Peachey, 2013; Russell & Stone, 2002; van Dierendonck, 2011).

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