is someone help my in my essay

The book is Culture Smart USA
Essay about [survive in U.S.A]. Title, Introduction, 3 body paragraph and conclusion.
5 paragraph Essay
I need 3 thoughts, 3 quotes and 3 explanations for each body paragraph and I will send an examples from my professor’s essay.
Paragraph 1: Introduction (Hook, background and thesis statement)
Paragraph 2: Body Paragraph #1 ( Culture Smart USA– CHAPTER 2) this is where you will get the quotes.
Topic: American Values and Attitudes.
Paragraph 3: Body Paragraph #2 ( Culture Smart USA– CHAPTER 3) this is where you will get the quotes.
Topic: American Customs.
Paragraph 4: Body Paragraph #3 ( Culture Smart USA– CHAPTER 8-9) this is where you will get the quotes.
Topic: American Business and Communication.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion.
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