it research topic

After submitting below doc I recived these comments for below attachment
“Your topic has been denied. This topic needs a strong focus on on appropriate IT principles and technologies o Essentially, this submission should be re-written to focus more on cyber security strategies that can be implemented perhaps to reduce costs. Cyber crimes and associated costs are important However, I would recommend focusing on using that to identify ways to reduce costs by implementing cyber security strategies”.

So, Please update or completely change the doc/topic so that I get approval of the topic
please select topic related to IT or any of the core courses mentioned
My core courses include:
Course 1 – IT Importance in Strategic Planning
Course 2 – IT in a Global Economy
Course 3 – Information Governance
Course 4 – Emerging Threats and Countermeasures
Course 5 – Enterprise Risk Management
Course 6 – Data Science and Big Data Analytics
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