writing response 15

Please take a look at the provided links and read the instructions below

Review the links and write reflection “Two or three paragraphs” for each link.
Your reflection should discuss the most important things you learned in each video or professional development event you attended. Two or three paragraphs is sufficient.
1-Harnessing Predictive Technologies to Improve Planning and Forecasting Accuracy http://imamedia.imanet.org/webinars/2017/12-06/IMA_06DEC17.mp4
2-Robotics in Finance and Accounting: Separating Facts from Fiction http://imamedia.imanet.org/webinars/2017/10-11/IMA_11OCT17.mp4
3-Leadership During Times of Change http://imamedia.imanet.org/webinars/2017/10-04/IMA_04OCT17.mp4
4- Future of Finance: 7 Predictions for CFOs IMA_21JUN18.mp4
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