warrants and electronic evidence 1

Imagine that you are a crime scene investigator, and you have been assigned to three new cases.
Read the description of each case.
Identify whether or not a search warrant is necessary in the following table. Explain your response.
You are a police detective in the white-collar division of the police department. You have received an anonymous call that a male subject at 145 Oak Street is committing fraud and identity theft. The caller explains that the subject has a digital camera, several computers, and printers that he uses to make fake identification cards and fraudulent checks. You and your partner go to this location to conduct an investigative knock and talk. You knock on the door and a male subject answers. You ask if you and your partner can come into the residence to speak with him. The male subject permits the two of you to come into his residence. You immediately notice in plain view two computers and printers on a table. You also notice a stack of identification cards next to the computer. The male subject starts to act nervous.



Is a search warrant necessary in this case to search for and seize evidence? Explain your response.

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