a 15 pages paper for intro to mathematical modeling

An ideally 10-12 pages paper text to describe and 15-20 pages total include figures, data, or computer programs. It should include title and abstract, problem description, simplification, mathematical model, solution of math problem, results and discussion, and improvements, conclusion, and reference(important).
A 2 pages proposal about the paper is needed in 3 days. Please give it to me first.
The topic can be mechanical system like chaotic motion with energy conservation, duffing oscillator, or ecological model like predator-prey model with structural stability, or neuroscience, neural networks, climate dynamics, chemical oscillation, and so on.
It is not required to collect “real data”, and using a lot of library or online materials is necessary.
The paper should not be extremely complex since we are in intro of mathematical modeling. Please write something similar with 3 sample papers.
Please read carefully for the following 3 files– guideline, possible topics, and 3 sample papers. Please ask me if you have anything confused.
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