answer the folwwing qustion

How are humoral and cell-mediated immunity different from each other and what types of “invaders” do they each typically destroy?
List AND describe 3 ways that antibodies can inactivate foreign cells or substances.
Describe the steps involved in activating a specific immune response and how primary and secondary immune responses differ, Be sure to include in your answer how the clonal selection mechanism operates
Use an example to describe how endocrine control systems work and how the hypothalamus is related to the anterior pituitary and a peripheral endocrine gland, like the thyroid, adrenal cortex, or gonad
Choose an example of a hormone (e.g. epinephrine) that uses either CAMP or Ca++ as a second messenger. What are the stimuli for the release of the hormone? What are the steps in the process of changing what a target cell is doing? Give a specific example of a process that is changed in the target cell after the cell receives the hormone signal.
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