book review of real leadership 9 simple practices for leading and living with purpose by john addison

Should be written as a narrative. Please follow the book review outline and rubric!APA format
Book: Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading and Living with Purpose, by John Addison

Book Review Outline
Title of book (APA format)
Copy of Table of Contents
I.Book overview
A.About the author – brief biography, why is he/she credible to write this book?
B.Primary audience for which the book was written
C.Main theme/purpose of book
D.Briefly summarize the main points in each chapter
II.Evaluation of major points
A.How would you summarize the major conclusions presented by the author?
B.Critique the authorâ€s major conclusions or principles represented in the book. 1)Do the main points support or deviate from the theories of leadership discussed in this course and in your textbook?
(HINT: Obtain scholarly references in which to critique the book)
A.How can the information in this book be applied to criminal justice (or your majorfield of study)?
B.How can you incorporate this information into your personal development as aleader?Can you apply it to your current job or role as a student leader?
Reference List (APA format)
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