choose one and analyze the sinner s punishment

In The Inferno, Dante depicts and allegorical journey through Hell. The topography of Hell is oddly specific in Dante’s poem. He gives a clear sense not only of the dimensions of the realm, but also the realm’s place in the universe as a whole. Most of the figures featured is Dante’s poem are being punished in Hell for one sin or another. Choose one and analyze the sinner’s punishment. In your response, you may want to discuss ATLEAST TWO of the followings In three paragraphs in length (200-300 words) and provide textual evidence. You should provide at least one direct quote from the source formatted MLA

Assess the punishment in terms of just or unjust
What purpose does the punishment serve?
What role does the geography of hell serve for that particular sin?
How does the punishment relate to the sin that was committed?
If you consider the punishment unjust, what would be a most fitting punishment

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