concert report 33

Length: 2 FULL pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. Partial length resultsin NO credit.
Discussion points
Concert hall: acoustics; stage appearance
The music: discuss the pieces in terms of vocabulary you have learned thus far in the semester:dynamics, tempi, textures, harmonies, etc. THIS SHOULD BE 60% OF YOUR PAPER.
The performers: musicality, commitment and “into the music,” how inspired and inspiring you find themDifference between live and recorded music – your own impressions, reactions
Anything else that you find interesting, unusual, and either pleasantly or unpleasantly unexpected

Note: this is one of the best orchestras in the world, with top-level conductors and soloists. Isuggest you choose a concert which features composers presented in the text (Haydn, Mozart,Schubert, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, etc). However, you are not limited to these composers.
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