critique for 3 poems

I want you to critique 3 poems, attached file has two poems and comments of the instructor( just to give you an example about how she commented) please make sure to be detailed and not to be redundant. I will send you the third one as soon as someone posted a poem. If you finish one and you can send it to me, it would be perfect so I can see it. the other attached file is about poetic devices.
Examine the poem more closely and briefly reflect upon poetic techniques/devices the poet employed to make this an engaging poem eg “voice”, “point of view”, “assonance”, “consonance”, “alliteration”, “enjambment”, “metaphor”, “meter”, “rhythm”, “stress”. Many of these techniques were discussed in the two chapters I assigned for reading this week. Make sure you quote from the poem to back up your discussions.
Follow critique rules (below):

Answer the questions: “What are the poemâ€s strengths?” and “What would help improve the poem?”
Pay attention to other classmates†feedback so as not to be redundant.
Be thoughtful, considerate, and constructive in your comments. Start with the positive comments first.
Provide detailed feedback using the concepts and terms (rhyme, tone, humor, imagery) discussed in the course.
Explain why the writing as a whole works for what it is trying to do, why it doesnâ€t, or why some elements of it work while others donâ€t.
Don’t simply say, “I like this” or “I donâ€t like this.”

Your critique must be thoughtful, considerate, and constructive. I will be reading over them checking to see that they are thoughtful and constructive with the intent of improving the piece of writing. Instead of just saying, “I like this” or “I donâ€t like this,” explain why the writing as a whole works for what it is trying to do or why it doesnâ€t, or why some elements of it work while others donâ€t. See “Workshop Rules” for guidelines on returning these critiques.

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