engl110 annotated bibliography

You will submit an annotated bibliography for 2 of your sources for the week 7 paper. Each source will have the correct citation entry for the citation style you are using, as well as an annotation, which is made of a paragraph or two telling the reader about the source. One (1) of the sources should be a peer-reviewed piece from a journal in the APUS Library.
example of how its suppose to look:
Sally StudentENGL 110DateAnnotated Bibliography- MLA
Model from APUS Citation Guide (MLA)
Author last name, first name. Book title. City: publisher, year. Medium.
Calkins, Lucy. Raising Lifelong Learners: A Parent’s Guide. Reading: Addison-Wesley Longman. 1997. Print.
Lucy Calkins is a noted teacher and researcher in reading and writing. Her book is a guide for parents, helping them to work with their children’s schools to create a positive learning environment and a lifelong love of learning in their children. Topics covered include fostering learning and curiosity in mathematics, science, social studies, reading, and writing. Calkins†work also offers advice on school curriculum and testing. By providing specific examples of parental involvement, this book will help support the assertion that parents need to play a strong role in their children’s education.
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