english questions 33

Correct the sentences below or circle No error is it applies.
7. Each of the dogs has their own bowl, which is carefully placed in the mud room. No Error
8. Chicken Pox, a contagious disease, are contracted in onlyin childrenâ€s early years. No error.
9. Last spring the roofers replaced the asphalt shingles that a heavy snowstorm damages during
the preceding winter. No error.
10. Although they seem hearty pigs easily catch diseases, many of them serious; therefore, many
pigs die young. No Error.
Readerâ€s Responses – Select one
1. Read the Essay, “Dumb Kids†Class” and then respond to the following:
Mark Bowdenâ€s essay was written nearly eight years ago. In his conclusion, he outlined several ways he was shaped by his education. Do those lessons learned still resonate today and have you had a similar experience in your schooling?
2. Read the Editorial, “Yes, Virginia,There is a Santa Class” and then respond to the following:
Frances Pharcellus Church wrote this essay in 1897. If it was written and published today, what changes do you believe would be in the editorial? How might you have responded to Virginia in affirming the stance that a child should believe in something that cannot be proven or is undeniable not true.
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