excel module 1 assignment

Assignment Instructions
Pawsitivity is a small, nonprofit animal shelter in Spokane. Tanya, the new Executive Director, has decided to host a fundraiser dinner and auction to raise money for the shelter. She’s invited 50 local business owners. During the event, she’ll present Pawsitivity’s 2018 Annual Report, so the donors will see what the shelter is accomplishing with their support. She’ll also need a spreadsheet with all of the event information in it, so she can keep track of ticket sales and auction earnings. Finally, she will need a slideshow to provide visuals while she speaks.
Throughout the course, you’ll be helping Tanya put together a Word document, an Excel workbook, and a PowerPoint presentation for the fundraiser. She’s sent you a starting point for each. Use your skills in Microsoft Office to create three appealing, professional files for Pawsitivity to use at the event.
Reminder: Each assignment in BUED 425 requires an accompanying screenshot guide. Students must be signed into Microsoft Office when completing assignments, and student names must appear in the top-right corner of every screenshot. Files submitted without a signed-in Microsoft Office account shown will receive a zero. The best way to take a screenshot is to use the Snipping Tool. Refer here if you need a refresher on using the snipping tool and completing screenshot guides.
Also: Do not delete your project file after submitting this assignment. All of the homework in this unit will be based on a single, running Excel workbook. At the end of the unit, you will submit the file as a completed workbook.
The following files are needed for this assignment:

Data D&C Project.xlsx
Data D&C M1 Screenshot Guide.docxActions

The following files should be submitted for this assignment:

LastNameFirstInitial_Excel_M1 (Submit this as an Excel file!)
LastNameFirstInitial_Excel_M1_Screenshots (Submit this as a PDF file!)

NOTE: You are submitting two files – the screenshot guide and the working file!
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