film major bids please

5-Page Essay Assignment
Description: A five-page analysis/comparison of two movies that deals with issues of genre. The essay must contain a focused, debatable thesis that you defend with evidence from the films. Compare two films (choose one) of the same genre, OR by the same director, OR featuring the same actor, OR from different cultures, OR treating a similar issue, OR telling a similar story or containing the same character, OR using one device or object in different or similar ways. You don’t need to get my approval for films, as long as they fit the above descriptions. Always keep the main message or intended effect of the films in mind while writing; always keep your thesis in the forefront of your reader’s mind. Include at least one paragraph that connects your thesis to the filmmaker’s overall intent for the films. You do not have to mention any outside sources on the film, but if you use one you should properly cite it with a consistent citation style like MLA or APA.
Review what I say about the 5-page essay in the Syllabus.
Review what I say about the 5-page essay in the Syllabus.
Review what I say about the 5-page essay in the Syllabus. ( Syllabus in the documents, please go through it before you start writing!!!!)
The essay should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, proofread word by word (not just spellchecked)
Identify the film/year in the first paragraph of the essay; italicize title throughout (no “quotation marks” or underlining), describe action in the present tense (not past), use characters†and not actors†names.
Five points off automatically if you donâ€t follow these directions.
Avoid plot summary—provide a description only to advance your thesis. Keep a copy for yourself. If you want feedback, email me a proposed thesis or first paragraph (not an entire rough draft) before the due date . Failure to use quotation marks and cite the original author’s name, or other symptoms of plagiarism when using others’ words, will result in an immediate F in the course.

Optional ideas for the essay: For all of the below, the comparison/analysis must produce a specifically focused thesis that you support throughout.
The Hospital in Monster Films – Conflict in the Woman’s Biopic – Friendship in Stoner Comedies
The Cat Jones†Role in Alien – Images of Gunmen Wyatt Earp/Doc Holliday/Clantons/Jesse James
Compared Role of the Government/FBI/Police/NHI/WHO in Monster Films – Antagonists in Racing Films
Gender Testing / Unveiling in Cross-Dressing Films – Disneyâ€s Treatment of Race in Animal Films
Businessmen in Gangster Films – The Psychotic Gangster – Role of Drugs in Gangster Films
How an Animalâ€s Death is Treated in Childrenâ€s Films – Monstrous Contagion
Dance Sequences as Indicators of a Progressing Romance – Marooned Space Films
Montage Sequences in Musicals – The Sidekick in Musicals – The Heroine in Disaster Movies
Gun Types as Characterization in Westerns – Tunnels/Sewers/Storm Drains in Monster Movies
The Paradoxical Kiss in Cross-Dressing Films – Children in Zombie Movies / Westerns / Rom-coms
Family Problems in Superhero Films – The Animal/Human Friendship – The Albino Villain
Specific Themes in Airline Disaster Films – The Sympathetic Zombie – The Bromance
The Training Montage – Caucasian Villains in Martial Arts Films – The Conflicted Hit(wo)man
The Role of Drugs in Biopics – Terminally Ill Heroes – A Trope in Sports Films – The Heroic Teacher

Hierarchy in the Combat Movie – Conflict in Heist Films – Creepy Twins – Ideology in End-of-the-World Films – Personal Tragedy in Biopics – The Sacrificial Character of Color in Action Films
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