final essay 109

6-Page Essay
Goals of this assignment:
– To bring together several perspectives and viewpoints, drawn from at least three different texts, in a coherent discussion of ancient Greek views concerning love/devotion OR beauty/virtue.
– To highlight continuities (similarities) and changes (or dissimilarities) among the different perspectives in our readings, relating them, where relevant, to changes occurring in Greek culture over time.
– To use UMBrella (and/or relevant databases on Healey Library website) to find onescholarly article or book relevant to your topic and include at least one paragraph, including one quote, from that article or book in your discussion.
– To use well-chosen, brief quotes, and your own words, to clearly convey and illustrate the perspective of each of the works (and/or speakers) you discuss.
Choose ONE of these two topics:(you may use my title or a title of your own)
A. “Redefining love”
In what ways does Socrates†perspective on love, as presented in Platoâ€s Symposium,resemble and differ from perspectives on love (or devotion) presented in (choose two of a, b, or c)
a. Homerâ€s Iliad and/or b. Euripides†Bacchae and/or c. other speakers in the Symposium.
d. Additionally, you must find one scholarly article or book relevant to your topic. Incorporateat least one paragraph of meaningful discussion into any of the above choices. Include one quote from that article or book in your discussion.
** This means your essay must include at least one ancient work other than the Symposium and a new secondary source.
Note: You may, but do not have to, limit yourself to discussion of eros; friendship and/or religious devotion are fine too.
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