man4602 international business

The objective of this assignment is to introduce students to issues covered in the business press that are related to the topics discussed in this course. For this assignment students will find and review an article (related to the chapter topic of the week) appearing in business periodicals in the past 6 months. Each student will respond to at least two articles from those posted but not their own (this is the discussion part of your grade). Since there are multiple chapters covered each week it can be an article on any of the chapters†material.
What I am looking for is a one paragraph summary of the article you post and one paragraph of your take on the article subject.
Your need to post your take on two other students articles. You need to add something to the conversation. Saying “I agree” or summarizing what the article or others say is not acceptable. You can bring in outside sources (another article), you can show how your article adds to the conversation, use a personal experience, if your family has a business and they are dealing with the topic you can share that.
Suggested Business Press Titles

Financial Times
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal Asia
CEO Magazine
The Economist
Entrepreneur Magazine
Inc. Magazine

Reply with a paragraph to each of those articles:
1) By Nelson Martinez
“Coronavirus Slows but Wonâ€t Halt Shippingâ€s Focus on Global Trade”: Ocean carriers say big ships and globalization will remain key to supply chains, many linked to China
Article Link: (Links to an external site.)
Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic businesses and economies that rely on the flow of goods around the world have been greatly affected. Factories across the world have been shut down and ships that would normally be delivering goods overseas has come to halt with the lack of trade going on around the world. This has led to world leaders issuing global supply lines to shift their attention back into domestic markets. But for some seagoing companies this is just a detour to their business because they believe in the enormous production network that China has established over the many years. Regardless of the pandemic we probably wont be seeing these ships withdraw anytime soon and they will grow dependent on a single location based on china.
My take on this topic is that the world along with global trade might begin to change in a way we didn’t expect and China is going to be the center of this change. Many shipping and global trading companies are going to start relying more on China’s trading network. I believe after this pandemic comes to pass China may become even more powerful than they already were before, giving them a lot more control on things in general. With their ability to produce and supply it’s going to be pretty difficult to outmatch them.

2) By Claudia Ramirez (Links to an external site.)
“Mass Unemployment Is a Policy Choice”
“More than 20.5 million American workers just lost their jobs in a single month.” is how the article starts.
The result the COVID-19has shows globally for the economist are dangerously low and especially for the united states. In this article, it is shown the number of unemployed citizens in America currently and the government actions may not be giving the best alternatives and results as in the long run. Millions of American are losing their job daily or being temporarily laid off with no payment because of the economic fall down that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing. The closure of jobs and places had to take action to stop the spread and also because of the little to no gain the lockdown has cause for many businesses. Even with remote jobs and working from home, there are various jobs that can be done at home. The U.S now is currently at the verge of getting to the unemployment percentage rate of the great depression.
Many chairmen of the CPCs believe the U.S is capable of dealing with this economic crisis and that the country can be able to reopen again can bring up to much higher cases of infection leading to a higher fall on the economy. But Jayapal- CPC cochair- believe that the system is not designed to relieve this amount of catastrophe and believes a better outcome can be done by the government with the Paycheck guarantee act. She believes the United States can take advantage of taking into consideration of working in a similar way as other countries have responded to this pandemic and help business economically to stabilize and maintain their employees and permanently closing and creating a higher unemployment rate, and this can help when the pandemic can be under control and business can fully reopen with their respective employees and recover from the economic fall.
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