mission and vision statements 4

This assignment involves 4 distinct questions. Each question is to be answered with a minimum of 500 words and at least one separate reference. Please add the particular reference or references following each question. It is not necessary to include a reference page or a cover page.
(1) Explain the difference between a mission and a vision statement.
(2) What are the fundamentals of planning? How do strategic and tactical planning differ?
(3) Research the vision statement for either Hilton, Amazon, or Patagonia. Analyze the vision statement and discuss if the vision statement meets the criteria for the long-term goal describing what the organization wants to become.
(4) Perform an analysis of your place of employment an provide your company’s mission and vision statements. Analyze the statements and evaluate whether the statements meet the criteria for mission and vision. Provide recommendations as necessary. Describe how your place of employment produces work to meet the mission and the vision of the organization. If you are currently not employed, research another organization’s mission and vision statement’s.
I have attached the pages from the text:
Kinicki, A. & Willians, B.K. (2016). Management: A practical introduction (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
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