mylab homework quiz and exam

hapter 1: See assignment schedule or course calendar for deadlines.

Register with BioSig (Start Here)
Complete the Course Contract (Start Here)
Register with MyStatLab: All homework, chapter quizzes, and exams will be completed in MyStatLab. You must purchase an access code for MyStatLab. You can do this through the bookstore, or online at

If you do not have your course materials on the first day of class, Pearson has a two week “Temporary Access” option. This option will allow you to work in the course while waiting for course materials. To use this option, go through the registration process at

Enter your Course ID
Enter your Pearson acct info or create an account
You will have the option for “Temporary Access.”

Other important information about Temporary Access:

The temporary access is good for 14 days.
You may enter your purchased access code at any time; you do not have to wait for the 14 day grace period to end.
Do NOT create a new account with your purchased access code. All of your work during the 14 day grace period will be lost. Use the same account that has the temporary access.

Complete the homework assignments at MyStatLab.
Complete the Chapter Quiz at MyStatLab.

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