need a social media essay

Social media and digital technology play a growing role, both in the private lives of Americans, and for those working in the field of education; in order to prepare you for this aspect of your professional development, this assignment asks you to create a school district policy recommendation surrounding the responsible use of social media by professional educators.
Before you start writing that policy, consider the following topics/questions as you think about what to include in your school social media policy recommendation.

What role(s) does social media currently play in your life?
How do you foresee using social media or digital technology in your teacher preparation program?
Do you anticipate challenges in using social media in your preparation program or as an educator?
How do you anticipate using social media or digital technology as an educator?
What safeguards should be in place to protect the minor children, as well as ensuring the rights of educators to responsible use social media in their private lives?

(now that you have taken the above into consideration)
Create an essay that offers a Social Media Policy recommendation for your school (it could be a fictitious school, or an actual school) that outlines the responsible teacher management of social media and the use of digital technology in the classroom. This should be a 1-paged school policy recommendation that describes responsible rules your school should enact to guarantee that adequate safeguards are in place to protect minor children, but that also ensures that private, secured, and responsible use of social media remains a right for educators employed there. Include three scholarly references that support your policy proposal.
Cite those three scholarly sources according to APA guidelines.
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